Research data that is easily attained = data abused by the hordes of BDRs = data that is worthless for engaging enterprise accounts.
That’s why you need to go the extra mile with your research to create a narrative that will resonate with the stakeholders.
Below are a few tips on gaining intel from quarterly and yearly investor calls (I’ll use the recent Salesforce's Q2 2023 EC as a real-life example — see the attached slide deck)
Major changes to the leadership team
They almost always imply a similar wave on the lower levels. This data can and should be used as one of the triggers for reaching out with some smart plays.
Account-specific Internal lingo
Using words and phrases that are specific to this particular account is a solid way to stand out in your outreach and speed up rapport building.
New logo acquisitions and successful case studies
Mentioning a relevant project is always a good start for a convo with the exec who was involved in it. But please don't use vague openers like “congrats on the great project with” — that’s cheap. Be specific.
Direct quotes from the leadership that can be tied to your product category.
Can be used in both outreach and mid-funnel content (especially when you try to influence the buying via bespoke content pieces).
Product-specific data and important updates
Once again, nothing beats an outreach based on a solid research-based hypothesis.
Going through a standard 50-minute call should get you at least 4-5 solid (and non-over-abused) insights to work with.
Which is a bloody good exchange rate in my playbook.